Say what?

Say what?

TALK into your phone in any of the big European languages and a Google app can now turn your words into a foreign language, either in text form or as an electronic voice. Skype said recently that it would offer much the same (in English and Spanish only). But claims...
Translators vs. Translation Agencies

Translators vs. Translation Agencies

This discussion is a bit like the age-old question: “Which came first: the chicken or the egg?” Very often freelancers call translation agencies into question. They consider them as nothing more than sales agents. Of course, this is far from being the...
Website localization: what’s a microsite?

Website localization: what’s a microsite?

The term ‘microsite’ usually refers to a small website positioned outside the main website of a brand or company. It is considered a separate unit; it can present different information from that on the main domain, and it has its own URL. For instance, an...