Christmas is celebrated all over the world every year. And even though there are some common traits in the way people celebrate, the holiday carries the charm of every separate culture and reflects the local traditions and worldview. Read on to find out how people celebrate in different countries.
In Australia celebrations are similar to those in the USA and the UK. Christmas can’t do without the plump Santa Claus in his red suit and his long white beard, the Christmas tree and beautiful decoration, as well as the traditional Christmas songs. People gather and sing Christmas songs at special events (usually to raise funds for the church or charity for children).
The main difference between the Australian Christmas and the celebrations in the USA and the UK is that the holiday is in summer. Australians may sing the usual songs about a white Christmas and snow, but they’re on the beach eating seafood.
Because of India’s strong relationship with the UK, Christmas there is widely celebrated, even though Christians are fewer than 3% of the population. In India Christmas is mostly a secular event known as Bada Din, the Big Day, and it is marked by shopping.
Most Chinese are not Christians Christmas is not an official holiday there. However, some regions like Hong Kong, have strong relations with the Western World, and officially celebrate Christmas. Despite that, Christmas in China is a secular holiday. Western traditions such as gift-giving and sending cards are imitated, mostly out of curiosity and interest in western culture.
Mexico has built Christmas traditions to match its own concept and Roman Catholicism. For nine days groups of neighbours go from house to house to honour Joseph and Mary, who sought shelter for themselves and the unborn baby Jesus. Even though it’s widespread in Mexico, Christmas has preserved its religious meaning and it’s not as secular as in the northern neighbour, the USA.
Japan has a lot of the Christmas spirit as well. It may not be an official holiday, but it has its traditions. In addition to giving gifts and sending cards, the Japanese bake traditional Christmas treats – a white cake covered in cream and decorated with strawberries.
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