Just like any other area involving a subjective factor, translation requires strict rules and procedures to regulate the process and guarantee a high quality end product. Quality assurance is among the most important missions for each agency.

We would like to concentrate very briefly on the main procedures for quality assurance.

Step one – translation

The translation has to be natural, fluent and not awkward. Another major condition is the stylistic consistence with the tone and specifics of the sector, the brand and last but not least it has to suit the target audience.

The source material has to be translated in the most adequate way possible in terms of the assignment and its specifics. Often, native speakers are preferred for doing the translation but other important factors include the professional skills of the translator, his or her experience in the relevant area; also the general knowledge should never be underestimated.

 Step two – proofreading

Proofreading is done by a second independent translator. This is an important stage guaranteeing that the translation is accurate in terms of grammar and style. Also, it needs to be verified whether the translation delivers the exact message of the source document and that it fully complies with the client’s requirements.

Step three – internal quality assurance

The third stage is the final revision made by the team of the translation agency. This process includes a thorough check of the document for a variety of factors such as missing text, numbers, dates, sequence of pages, etc.

This is a brief description of the main stages of the translation process guaranteeing that the end product is correct, solid and fully meets the client’s requirements.

We will provide you with quality. Contact us now and see for yourself!